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Welcome to Ellie Lane Coaching, a sanctuary for women who are superb at creating lots of things—except space for themselves


You are high-performing and driven, ready to boldly move to your next level of success.
You’ve been successful, yet sometimes imposter feelings are strong.
There are many competing demands on your time, and it’s hard to prioritize.
Others see your achievements, yet you hold yourself back from your next level.
You are bursting for something MORE - ready to soar in your work and in your life.
You know that space for yourself means living a created life where you decide how you spend your time and you’ve decided that self-compassion is non-negotiable.

I help you:
- Clearly define and strategize your next level - at work and play.
- Recognize and mobilize possibilities and potential, achieving new levels of success.
- Build confidence & courage to go for what you truly want.
- Set clear & firm boundaries: Time and energy are precious assets.
- Unleash your courage and light: Shine brightly. Your life, your rules.
- Create a life full of fun & joy, work fitting into life, not life fitting around work.

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Meet the Owner

Profle Picture Ellie Lane Owner

In 30 years working in human development, I’ve worked with thousands of people who’ve held themselves back, and guided them to build their internal power, confidence, and success; to learn that self care does not equate with selfishness, that striving for more does not mean striving for perfection, and to discover and live a life by design, not by accident.

The biggest gift you ... more

Read what people are talking about

02/14/2023, 11:52 am

The Enneagram is a great tool for you to embrace on your journey towards self-development. But as with all tools, it is worth nothing if you do not know how to leverage it. Here is where Ellie comes into play. Ellie guided me through my Enneagram profile with her usual kindness, authenticity, playfulness, and deep knowledge. Our discussion went far beyond the tool itself. Ellie created a special space for me to make another step towards owning who I am as a whole. With courage and confidence. Beyond the Enneagram, I highly recommend Ellie to accompany you, at your own pace, on your path to being the best version of yourself. — Delphine Przenioslo, Change Catalyst for Individuals, Businesses, and Organizations
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